Data Transformation

Don’t Buy Integration, Buy Transformation

How Data Management Empowers B2B Enterprises Since the beginning of the B2B enterprise they have faced numerous challenges in staying competitive and relevant. But today, the challenge is more difficult than ever before. With the ever-increasing amount of data generated, data decay, and the need for seamless integration across various systems, it is crucial for…

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Vertify Screen

Vertify Enables Warm Lead Handoffs to Sales

The Demo Tells the Story: Vertify’s data management, hygiene, and orchestration platform paves the way for smooth and successful warm lead handoffs from marketing to sales. Here’s how: 1. Identifying Warm Leads: Vertify doesn’t just move data; it analyzes it. The platform cleans and normalizes marketing data, weeding out inconsistencies and ensuring accuracy. This allows…

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Lead Automation

Your Guide to Marketo Lead Automations

With the increasing demands of digital marketing campaigns, businesses are constantly seeking ways to streamline their lead generation and automation processes. One powerful pairing that has gained significant popularity in recent years is Marketo Engage and Vertify for enhanced lead automation. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the ins and outs of…

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AI Enablement Package

Investing in AI Data

If you are considering an investment in AI technology, do not lose site of the importance of your data foundation. Get your data house in order and then get the most out of AI.

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Marketo Performance Insights

Enabling Marketo Performance Insights With Vertify

Marketo Performance Insights is a powerful tool that allows businesses to gain valuable insights into the performance of their marketing efforts. By harnessing the data collected within Marketo Engage, companies can optimize their marketing strategies, improve ROI, and make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information. What is Marketo Performance Insights? Marketo Performance Insights…

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Marketing ROI

Realize and Boost Marketing ROI with a Data Integration Strategy

Today, companies are constantly seeking ways to maximize their return on investment (ROI) in marketing efforts. One effective approach that has gained traction is the use of a comprehensive data integration strategy. By combining and analyzing data from various sources, businesses can gain valuable insights that can help improve marketing ROI. In this article, we…

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Order to Cash

Maximize Profitability: The Advantages of Automating Your Order-to-Cash Process

In today’s fast-paced business environment, maximizing profitability is a top priority for companies of all sizes. One way to achieve this goal is by automating your order-to-cash process. By streamlining sales and invoicing, as well as enhancing cash flow through automated processes, businesses can gain a competitive edge in the market. The Benefits of Automating…

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Use Case – What We Did When Marketing Win Rate Was Decreasing

Sales Team We’ve historically been a partner and sales sourced company. Oddly enough we had success in 2020 shifting to more marketing sourced so that we could have a healthier ratio AND a more cost effective ratio. We started 2021 off at 50% for our Marketing Win Rate. We have a pretty strong sales team…

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