How Credit Unions Streamline Member Services with Jack Henry and HubSpot Integrations

By Amanda Barr, Product Marketing Manager at Vertify

Today, credit unions need to find innovative ways to streamline processes and enhance the member experience. Onboarding indirect members – those linked to a primary member through loans or accounts – can often be a manual and error-prone process. But what if you could automate data imports, track relationships seamlessly, and reduce onboarding time by a significant percentage? This is where the magic of integrating Jack Henry and HubSpot comes into play. 

I know, I know…you probably have looked at integrating Jack Henry in the past, but you have struggled to find a solution that is turnkey and purpose-built for credit unions. If that is the case, stick with me and consider a modern integration option that is currently serving credit unions with great success across North America. Let’s explore! 

Over 80% of enterprise business operations leaders say data integration is critical to ongoing operations.

Data Automation: The Key to Modernizing Credit Unions and Creating Winning Experiences

Let’s start with the important role that automation plays in the modern credit union business. The credit union landscape is evolving rapidly. To stay competitive, attracting and retaining members requires a modern approach that leverages technology like Jack Henry and HubSpot to enhance efficiency, personalize experiences, and foster deeper relationships. Here’s where technology like data automation emerges as a critical game-changer, transforming the way credit unions operate and interact with members and employees.

Modernization Through Automation:

  • Streamlined Processes: Manual data entry, reconciliation, and reporting are tedious, error-prone, and time-consuming. Automation removes these burdens, freeing up staff to focus on strategic initiatives and member service.
  • Real-time Insights: Automated data collection and analysis provide real-time insights into member behavior, financial health, and market trends. This empowers proactive decision-making, risk management, and product development tailored to member needs.
  • Enhanced Security: Automating data workflows reduces human error and improves data security by minimizing manual data handling and access points. This builds trust and compliance with regulations.
  • Scalability and Agility: Automation scales seamlessly as your member base and data volume grow, ensuring efficient operations and agility to adapt to changing market demands.

Creating Winning Experiences For Members and Employees:

  • Personalized Member Service: Automated data analysis allows for personalized offers, recommendations, and communication based on individual member needs and preferences. This fosters deeper engagement and loyalty.
  • Frictionless Onboarding: Automating data capture and verification reduces onboarding time and complexity, creating a smooth and positive experience for new members.
  • Improved Member Self-Service: Automated workflows empower members to manage accounts, access information, and perform transactions conveniently through online and mobile platforms, enhancing their experience and satisfaction.
  • Employee Empowerment: Automating repetitive tasks frees up employees to focus on high-value activities like member consultations, financial education, and building relationships. This boosts employee morale and productivity.

Credit Unions Must Kiss Manual Data Entry Goodbye

So, where does a Jack Henry and HubSpot integration come into play? Imagine the tedious task of manually entering indirect member data into your CRM. With integration, that’s a thing of the past!

Automated data imports directly from Jack Henry eliminate the risk of errors and save countless hours. A study by HubSpot found that automation can save businesses up to 10% in operational costs, and that number is likely even higher for manual data entry. Imagine the time your team can reclaim to focus on building relationships and providing exceptional service. This is an area that credit unions have traditionally excelled in, but with the complexity of data management, they have started to lose focus on this mission-critical and personal approach. 

Reduce Data-Centric Errors 

For the credit union, people are your best asset. But, those same people are prone to making errors when working with data.

Typos, inconsistencies, and missing information can plague manual data entry. This is where data automation should help. Trusted integration practices ensure data flows smoothly between systems, minimizing errors, appending data, and ensuring data accuracy. This not only saves time spent correcting mistakes but also improves the overall member experience by providing them with accurate information from the start.

After all, every year businesses lose $9.7 million due to poor data quality.

Relationship Management Made Easy

Tracking the relationships between indirect members, primary members, and their accounts can be complex. But with integrated data, credit unions can visualize these connections effortlessly and in real time. See how loans are linked, identify cross-selling opportunities, and gain a deeper understanding of your member base. This holistic view empowers you to personalize interactions, anticipate needs, and provide a more relevant member experience.

The numbers don’t lie. Studies have shown that CRM integrations can lead to a 27% reduction in onboarding time and a 15% increase in customer satisfaction. That’s a significant improvement for any credit union looking to streamline operations and delight members.

Data Driven Personalization: The Key To Success In Today’s Digital Marketing Landscape

Ready to Embrace Automation?

Integrating Jack Henry and HubSpot is a powerful step towards a more efficient and member-centric onboarding process. By automating data imports, reducing errors, and simplifying relationship management, you can free up your team’s time, improve accuracy, and create a seamless experience for your indirect members.

Want to see first hand how Vertify can help automate Jack Henry and other systems like HubSpot, Marketo, and more? Book a demo to see Vertify in action today!