Customer AdvancedMD

Customer Conversations: AdvancedMD

AdvancedMD is a dynamic healthcare technology company that specializes in cloud-based medical office software tailored for ambulatory medical practices. Their comprehensive suite of solutions includes practice management, telemedicine, patient relationship management, and more. AdvancedMD extends its support to independent physicians and their staff, offering a range of tools and technologies to enhance practice efficiency and…

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Data Silos

Customer Conversations: TrueCommerce

It all started when TrueCommerce posed a question: We have prospect, customer, distributor, opportunity, and sales order information in multiple different systems and divisions across our global company; how do we orchestrate data across our tech stack and eliminate data silos across teams? RevOps Automation is the Answer IT and revenue teams were collaborating weekly…

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Customer Conversations – Blanchard

Blanchard sought an integration solution and, after careful consideration, chose Vertify. Kerstin highlights Vertify’s deep NetSuite expertise as a key factor in that decision making process. 

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AI Enablement Package

Investing in AI Data

If you are considering an investment in AI technology, do not lose site of the importance of your data foundation. Get your data house in order and then get the most out of AI.

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Data Complexity

Don’t Build Integrations Internally!

If you think it is an option to build integrations internally, think twice. If you want to build a scalable data foundation for your business, partner with an iPaaS provider and achieve growth like never before!

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Cast UK

Customer Conversations – CastUK

How did CastUK make their data actionable by tapping into data management? Dig in with Brandon Bruce on this installment of Customer Conversations to learn how!!

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Customer Conversations – Streamlining Recruiting Strategy with Data Integration

With eleven distinct brands, each with their own unique sales processes and rules of engagement, Soliant Health knew they had to streamline their recruiting strategy across their organization. They had already adopted Bullhorn as their CRM, leveraging its capabilities to manage candidates, leads, and contacts. Meanwhile, the allure of Salesloft’s robust sales engagement features was…

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Product Announcement!! Enabling Salesloft Rhythm

📣 Product Announcement!! 📣 For those that have not heard, Vertify now supports the Salesloft Rhythm Platform. Rhythm users can unleash the power of Salesloft Rhythm with custom signals! Vertify supercharges Salesloft Rhythm, allowing you to harness the full potential of custom data for smarter sales automation and data-driven decisions. Boost your sales with:📅 More…

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Vertify Customer Story: Online Retailer

KJUS manufactures and distributes top-quality ski, golf, and lifestyle products, developed with the best fabrics and high-end technology. Originally founded in Switzerland, they are headquartered now in Boulder, Colorado.

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